Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh it has been so very very long!

Well, in my defense, I've been very very busy. You see, there was the show at Lyco, then a whole bunch of DRAMA outside of the theatre world to deal with, and well, now I am on to Thoroughly Modern Millie at CTL. Which, by the way, I think is going to be pretty AMAZING- not because of me, but because of the CREW, CAST, CHOREOGRAPHER- they are all pretty darned awesome! I am just there as a facilitator really, which is totally ok by me!

Anyways, so I've been really sick lately- which isn't cool since the kids are already in "summer-mode" and now I was out Friday, and then today (Monday), and I still feel pretty darn crummy. Tomorrow should be a blast! Kirsten has been a pistol too lately! First there was the gala incident, where Jared was kind enough to baby sit, and she threw a MASSIVE Hissy fit- complete with kicking her bedroom wall and demanding that I come home. Not ok! Her punishment was NO TV for the next day (and it was a weekend- ouch). BJ was out for the day, so in the end I think it punished me more than anyone.

Now she is in this- I don 't want mommy to leave mode- which is completely uncool when Mommy has a show to rehearse, or is really really sick. She is also doing this whole "I don't want ot go to school, I want to hang out with mommy" thing. SO........... she says she has a stomach ache (and DO NOT judge me- I have mommy senses, and KNOW she is lying).... so I convince her that I towel under her jammies cures a tummy ache. It worked a month ago- I keep playing that card! Tonight- we are getting ready for bed, and she tells me she doesn't want ot go to school tomorrow- she looks around the room- sees her ear drops from her last ear infection and announces "MY EAR HURTS!" My child is a genious- but I can one up her! I pretend to put ear drops in her ear, stuff some cotton in, and call it a night! Dishonest, yes- but my child is asleep!

On the plus side, since I can admit that dragging your 5 year old to rehearsals until 9:30 and then the next night leaving her with a sitter isn't the best parenting- PLUS then I have had a fever for 4 days so I have totally ignored her- I decided to be good mommy today. We played games, cooked dinner together, and put away all of her winter clothes. Good mommy points, right there.

It is a DAMN good thing 5 year olds don't keep score. Off to school and then rehearsal tomorrow. Good God I am so tired!

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