Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, here is one way to give me time to blog! And you what sucks? Over the past week I've had so much I could write about, and now that I have the time- it's all lost in my gray matter. Oh well. So for this snow day I have breakfast and coffee planned. Then perhaps helping Kirsten finish her valentines, and then making a few of my own- or at least my dad's birthday card.

The show at school is going well I think- although I think there are some others that doubt my methods. I like to do things in a certain order- block the leads, then teach the dances, then put it all together. It might not be there way others do it, but it's been working pretty well for me for about 10 or so years. I guess everyone has a different way of doing it, and we probably all think we are right.

Since I've last written there have been some stressful things going on that I really haven't enjoyed dealing with- but it is all working out. It's not dealing with stressful THINGS that bothers me, it's what the stress of it does to me that is a real pain. Some people like to sleep when they get upset and stressed, some like to eat. I lose interest in EVERYTHING. Sleep, food, hobbies, work. It's like I want to crawl out of my skin to escape it. If you don't know the feeling you would never understand. Thankfully it's about over now, so I can move on. But it was a most unpleasant few days.

I must admit this mid-week break is brilliant for my mental health! I've been working so hard to keep it all together, that I can now use today for a little bit of catch up, and a little bit of r and r!

YAY for snow!

Have a great day!

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