Tuesday, March 9, 2010


OK, that is so not a word I use often. I don't like it- I think people throw it around too freely. But seriously, I am. I ahve had friends helping me with my set until all hours of the night. People iving up free time to come and help me work on my show. And my husband has been holding down the fort very well. The house has not fallen to shambles. He has brought me dinner, straightened up the house, played with Kirsten, and even done laundry. No complaints at all. This might have something to do with the 5 weeks of shows he has coming up- but I will take it! I feel so much better knowing how supported I am. If it weren't for BJ and my friends I would be so much farther down the path to crazy. Hmmm, suddenly 15-17 hours a day at school don't seem so bad!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Here we go- tech week. So much to do, and so little time! And of course, instead of resting up the night before I go into battle, I CAN'T SLEEP! Not cool!

It's gonna be a long week. Wish me luck.